Eye On AI

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Week Ending 11.05.18


Over the past week, 48 new papers were published in "Computer Science".

The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was "Convolutional Collaborative Filter Network for Video Based Recommendation Systems" by Cheng-Kang Hsieh et al (Oct 2018), which was referenced 10 times, including in the article This AI Watches Trailers To Predict Which Type Of Movies Audiences Really Want To See in Indiatimes.

Leading researcher Devi Parikh (Virginia Tech) published "Do Explanations make VQA Models more Predictable to a Human?".

Over the past week, 27 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence".

The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was "Artificial Intelligence and its Role in Near Future" by Jahanzaib Shabbir et al (Apr 2018), which was referenced 5 times, including in the article The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Future Technology in BostonCommons.net. The paper got social media traction with 20 shares. The investigators explain the modern AI basics and various representative applications of AI.

Leading researcher Kyunghyun Cho (New York University) came out with "Dialogue Natural Language Inference".

Over the past week, 13 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Computers and Society".

The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was "A Quantitative Approach to Understanding Online Antisemitism" by Joel Finkelstein et al (Sep 2018), which was referenced 160 times, including in the article UAB research shows ‘explosive growth’ of Antisemitism online and we must confront it in AL.com. The paper author, Joel Finkelstein (Group's director), was quoted saying "they end up radicalizing each other." The paper got social media traction with 43 shares. The investigators present a large - scale, quantitative study of online antisemitism.

Over the past week, 12 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Human-Computer Interaction".

The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was "Piano Genie" by Chris Donahue et al (Oct 2018), which was referenced 14 times, including in the article You’ll tickle the ivories in no time with Google’s AI-powered Piano Genie in Fast Company.

Over the past week, 20 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Learning".

The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was "Meta-Learning Transferable Active Learning Policies by Deep Reinforcement Learning" by Kunkun Pang et al (Jun 2018), which was referenced 1 time, including in the article A new dynamic ensemble active learning method based on a non-stationary bandit in PhysOrg.com. The paper author, Kunkun Pang (Researcher), was quoted saying "In ongoing work, we are learning how to annotate on many different problems and eventually transfer this knowledge to a new problem, in order to perform effective annotation immediately with no warm-up requirements". The paper got social media traction with 13 shares.

Over the past week, seven new papers were published in "Computer Science - Multiagent Systems".

The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was "Urban Swarms: A new approach for autonomous waste management" by Antonio Luca Alfeo et al (Oct 2018), which was referenced 4 times, including in the article Urban swarms for autonomous waste management in PhysOrg.com. The paper author, Antonio Luca Alfeo, was quoted saying "With autonomous vehicles, swarms of drones for deliveries and teams of robots organizing warehouses, the city of the future will be a cybernetic ecosystem consisting of machines and humans".

This week was active for "Computer Science - Neural and Evolutionary Computing", with 36 new papers.

The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was by a team at Google: "Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameter Sharing" by Hieu Pham et al (Feb 2018), which was referenced 5 times, including in the article Auto is the new black — Google AutoML, Microsoft Automated ML, AutoKeras and auto-sklearn in Medium.com. The paper got social media traction with 468 shares. A Twitter user, @noodlefrenzy, observed "I remember at ICML to years ago I said "I can't wait until GPUs are ubiquitous enough that we can do architecture search" but I was really envisioning multi-GPU distributed cloud. A single GPU? Amazing".

Over the past week, 27 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Robotics".

The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was by a team at Microsoft: "Semi-parametric Topological Memory for Navigation" by Nikolay Savinov et al (Mar 2018), which was referenced 4 times, including in the article How to Learn Complex Skills with Unknown Rewards in Medium.com. The paper got social media traction with 22 shares.